[LOK] Update Preview - Shrine & Mining Permission ⛏️

HADES posted 8m ago
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Dear Kings, Queens, Landlords, and @everyone

[LOK] Update Preview: Shrine and Mining Permission

To elevate the significance of the Shrine in the main land, we are updating the 'mining permission' associated with the Shrine. Alliances that occupy the Congress or the Shrines (A, B, and C) will gain mining access corresponding to their ownership. Here's a breakdown of how it will work:

Alliance members holding the Congress: Can mine Crystal/DSA mine of any level

Alliance members holding the A Shrine: Can mine Crystal/DSA mine of level 4 and below

Alliance members holding the B Shrine: Can mine Crystal/DSA mine of level 3 and below

Alliance members holding the C Shrine: Can mine Crystal/DSA mine of level 2 and below

Every one else (non Guest account): Can mine Crystal/DSA mine of level 1

The update will go live starting next week.

Additionally, there is another update planned for the upcoming weeks. This update will introduce the long-awaited Battle Calculation update and the new Mythic skin! Stay tuned for an upcoming AMA where we'll showcase these updates and reveal more planned updates coming in the near future. The exact date for the AMA will be announced next week.