LoK - IMPORTANT about Closed Events!

LaPavloda-(C59) posted 7m ago


Quick (but HUGE) advice about Daily LoK Events, using the Recycle Event as an example, as it is one of the most important ones!

If you got to complete an Event on time, but couldn't login to claim the reward before it disappears from EVENT, do not panic, just go to CLOSED EVENT and you will be able to claim the reward even up to 2 days after it closes.

With the RECYCLE Event, as it's not something to “complete”, you can just go and recycle your items even after the Event closes too. This is big as the Recycle Event comes randomly and only for 24hs, but we can still do it for up to 72 hs, so we have more time to collect items to recycle!

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Did you know about this? Did this tip helped? Let me know in the comments!