KSHW: Additional Beginner Guide And Tips(part 4)

Sergeo posted 5m ago

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Hi, everyone. For those who has just started this game (i.e. : newbies), these are my lesson to ensure you are able to make full use of your resources

1) To get Gold ingot, you can do (Daily/weekly mission, rookie mission, Bingo)

2) If there are tasks to rank up, if you dont have any favourite character to rank up, level up one star character until it is capable of rank up to save on resources.

3) when using premium recruit, make sure to use daily 150 Gold Ingot discount. For 10x spin (3000 gold ingot), after making your first 10x spin, you can make the next spin at reduced cost (2,850 gold ingot), so try save some gold ingot so you can do multiple 10x spin

4) if you have received exp up resources (i.e. green, yellow, red herbal pill) from event, save it. Once you have crafted lab, you can use it to craft rank up scroll. So to get exp without using the item mentioned just farm on campaign.

5) if you have many food and not sure what to do, go to your character. At the weapon and armor section, look at what resources needed to level up those. Find out which quest gives those rewards and farm those quest.

6) When forming team, consider the boosts available for having certain character together ( i.e. having 4 or more character from the same kingdom). Its ok to have 1 (3 star) character for certain boost to work (especially for F2P)

7) Since upgrade and rank up can be very costly further down the road, it is important to plan ahead which character you want to rank up at certain level. My suggestion is common: 3 star, uncommon: 4 star, rare: 5 star, epic: 6 star(P2P)/7 star (F2P), Legend : 7 star.

8) Grind to level 30 ASAP. At level 30, you can build exchange which allows you to exchange sapphire to bKID and vice versa.

9) Sweep ticket is useful when you need to farm certain material to level up weapon or armor fast. So dont radomly spam your sweep ticket unnecessarily.

10) For farming for material, try to complete elite task first because you will get better rewards.

Source: a fellow player