Daily Mission Walkthrough

HADES posted 5m ago
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  • 🥑 Scholar

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What does the Daily Mission involve?

  • Daily Mission offers $DSRUN to riders every day, and riders need to finish all tasks to earn $DSRUN.

There are 5 kinds of missions:

  1. Register Wallet

  2. Complete Training

  3. Participate in PvP

  4. Use Items

  5. Contribute CRT

Note: Every day at 00:00 UTC, the Daily Missions will start fresh, and any $DSRUN rewards you earn will be sent to you in-game through the mail.

How do bonus points work?

  • Bonus points for riders are calculated by adding up mission completion points and extra points. You can earn extra points in a few ways:

Default Horse Grade Bonus

  • The highest-grade horse you own automatically earns a bonus. If you have many horses, it might take a while to determine the highest grade. Players without their own horses will receive penalty points to encourage horse ownership.

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Rental Registration Bonus

  • Registering horses for rental within a specific range earns bonus points.

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Now, let's complete the daily missions and earn $DSRUN rewards!