Simple Step By Step Guide To Start Playing Monkey League NFT Game

Thesnguy posted 5m ago

Sure, here is a step-by-step guide to start playing Monkey League:

1. Visit the Monkey League website .

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2. Click on the "Get Started Or Launch App" button.

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3. Connect your wallet to the game by clicking on the "Connect Wallet" button.

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4. Purchase MonkeyPlayer NFTs from the Monkey League website or other marketplaces such as OpenSea.

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5. Once you have at least six MonkeyPlayer NFTs, you can build your dream team and start playing .

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6. Manage your MonkeyPlayers' stamina and health by providing them with nutrition and medcare items .

7. Strategically organize your roster prior to each match .

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I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Source: Original