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Luna's:Tips to Rule the Heroes of Mavia Realm!🌙

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🌙Headquarter Levels 1 and 2🌙

🥑Maximize your time in Gathering Resources:
To obtain headquarters levels 1 and 2 in-game within a short time, you will want to spend your time collecting resources like gold and oil.These are primary resources you will need to upgrade your headquarters and other infrastructures.

🥑Upgrade Resource Storages: Before expanding your base aggressively, prioritize to upgrade your resource storages such as gold storage, oil storage, gold collectors, and oil rigs. This ensures a consistent inflow of resources for upcoming upgrades.

🌙Headquarter Levels 3 and 4🌙

🥑Strategic Resource Allocation
: Be mindful of how you allocate your gathered resources. In the beginning, you are encouraged to allocate more resources towards enhancing your armies and defenses to protect your base and engage in battles effectively.

🥑Raids on Other Players' Bases: If you find yourself low on resources and you wish to obtain them at large, consider raids on the other players’ bases. Conducting raids is one of many ways to obtain resources rapidly, however, you should also be ready to protect your own base.

🥑Scout Before Attack: To make time worth, be sure to scout enemy base camp first before any launching attacks. Scouting reveals important intel on enemies’ defense strength and resource storages, helping you plan a more successful attack to maximize your reward.

🥑Defense Upgrades: The best known strategic offensive principle of war: The best defense is a good offense. Never neglect your defense. Upgrading defensive structures like walls, mortar, turrets, sniper towers, and other defense equipment's, helps to build better resilience against enemy attacks.

🥑Maintain Activity: The key to a robust base is to maintain activity. Log in to the game regularly to collect resources start upgrades, and make sure your base is appropriately defended. 

Remember, Heroes of Mavia is mostly a strategy game. Success in the game depends on balancing your resource management, defense, and offense. I wish you happiness and enjoyment as you go through Mavia!🌙