Is CropBytes free to play?

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What is CropBytes? 

CropBytes is a simulation game that imitates real-world farming with a virtual economy. In this Metaverse farming game, players can build, nurture, and work on their farms while contributing to the overall economy. You can grow crops, raise animals, expand resources, and engage by trading within the community, all while earning $CBX rewards as you progress.

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Is CropBytes free-to-play? 

Yes, CropBytes is a free-to-play game that allows players to join and participate without an initial cost. However, players may choose the pay-to-play mechanics, giving them more advantage. Owning a SuperHeroes NFT could provide you with a boost and fuel your earning potential. 

What are the prerequisites to playing the game? 

CropBytes requires players to have particular prerequisites, such as a compatible digital wallet like MetaMask. 

MetaMask wallets are necessary for interacting with the in-game blockchain and assets like croplands, animals, Superheroes, NFTs, etc.

However, despite having NFTs, it creates a barrier for players who just want to play the game for free. CropBytes introduces work-to-earn, where players can be differentiated as Farm Owners and Farm Workers, merging the concepts of “free-to-play” and “free-to-earn.” 

Whereas Farm Owners are the one who owns the game assets, trade pays workers to work on their farm and grows their farming business. Farm Workers are the farmers who farm daily and earn daily wages, which they can save and invest to start their own farming business.

Let’s say you already have enough money to start your own farm. Where can you buy in-game assets and NFTs?

Essential assets are in-game tokens that are required for daily consumption in the game. Water, Seeds, and Feeds are the essential assets in the game. You can utilize these things to grow crops and feed your animals. 

Now to the Farming Assets. Farming Assets like croplands and trees are required to produce crops and fruits. Once you have produced crops and fruits, you can convert them into feed and be consumed by Animals and Superheroes. 

To purchase a Farming Asset, visit Make sure you have enough MATIC in your MetaMask wallet.

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Can free-to-players be competitive or enjoy the game? 

CropBytes aims to maintain a balance between paying and non-paying players to ensure that the free-to-play players can still be competitive and enjoy the game. Players who opt to pay for in-game assets may have some advantages. At the same time, free-to-play players can progress and achieve success through dedication, time investment, and strategic gameplay.