Common Ground World Goes Live In Spider Tanks

Sergeo posted 7m ago

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# Step into Common Ground World,

# where every patch of earth

# holds the promise of a brighter future!

The new game mode is set to go live today, so here are some of the more important differences between the Common Ground World mode and the Casual and Event modes.

Common Ground World features that differ from other game modes:

Towns start at a 5x5 size, and with less initial cash available to spend.

Tiles outside of the starting 5x5 are "Spoiled Soil" and will cost a progressive amount of in game cash to clear before making them usable land.

The game progression will be slower in this mode. Crop timers have all been increased by x36 (For example Wheat is now a 12 minute craft timer)

The game will always have offline mode on, so when you log in again the elapsed down time will be calculated and the town will be forwarded automatically into the correct current state.

No gasoline for trades.

No Auto trade, you will need to manually enter the game and sell goods.

No worker wages.

No stars, no leaderboards.

Salty, Dirty, and Shady Proximity effects will not affect crop grow times.

Water requirements for crops have been decreased to 1 or 2 water for all crops.

All older NFTs do work in the new mode, and new NFTs also will work in event and casual mode, no NFTs currently are mode-specific.

New NFT details:

Note: Neither NFT will be available to upgrade currently.

The two are bundled together into one pack.

rarity-Rare: Supply: Unlimited

rarity-Rare: Price: $10

Composting Facility (Rare)

This will be an upgradable NFT.

Level 1 will give a 10% boost to crop timers in a 1-tile radius around the Composting Facility.

At max, Level 20 will give a 20% boost to crop timers in a 3-tile radius around the Composting Facility.

Common Ground Academy (Rare)

This will be an upgradable NFT.

This NFT does not yet have any buffs available for purchase within it. But once it is complete it will have an assortment of temporary buffs that can be purchased within it. Buffs may be to things like unit speed, craft time, cash or star boosts, etc.

Upgrading the NFT will result in things like increased buff duration, decreased cooldown between buffs, and different buff availability, etc.

Give the new game mode a try this week and let us know what you think when you get a chance! 💚

There will also be a Community Survey coming out next week, so get that feedback ready.

The game update for this new game mode and for the new event data should